
The Mechanical engineering educational program has been accredited by MÜDEK since 2004 and has the EUR-ACE label since 2011. In 2011, the Bologna Process has started. The aim of the Bologna Process is to create a European Higher Education Area based on international cooperation and academic exchange that is attractive to European students and staff as well as to students and staff from other parts of the world. The program aim and outcomes of the program, which are defined previously for MÜDEK, has updated according to requirements of the European Higher Education Area. As a preliminary result, the university received the Diploma Supplement Label and the students, who graduated 2011 or later, can take their Diploma Supplements. The progress aiming at to obtain ECTS label continues. The department has 5 bilateral agreements for exchange students and academic staff with prestigious European Universities. As of the year 2013, the faculty of the department consists of 11 professors, 11 associate professors, 9 assistant professors and 2 lecturers. Together with the faculty 16 research assistants carry on with research activities which not only supports educational program but also supports the research activities of the public and private institutions. The students have access to 23 research and education laboratories throughout their study to fulfill experimental task in context of offered educational program.

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Hızlı Erişim

Genel Arama